The fortress: FAQ

General Lords & Knights topics

Re: The fortress: FAQ

Beitragvon Kalypso » Mi Dez 03, 2014 21:00

I will wait and see if the new Fortress feature is any good.

If you really want to improve game play stop creating new servers, I don't see the point, all your doing is killing older servers, it's much better to have 1 or 2 really busy servers than 5 dead ones that no one plays.

This game has been around for over 3 years now, and is the only game I ever played this long. I've put a lot of time and effort ( not to mention money on gold) to get a decent empire, I don't see why I should have to scrap it and start a new server each time you create a new one.

I currently have accounts on 8 servers, but still only really play the original 3 I started on. The rest are boring.
I only started each new server for the initial buzz, but after a few days it wares off and I go back to my main servers.

The only thing that is ruining the game play on Lords and Knights is inactivity due to people constantly switching to new servers and leaving the old ones.

Surely there can't be enough people playing L&K to be able to sustain so many servers.

The way I see it the only reason you keep creating new servers is to capitalise on a quick influx of cash with people buying gold, but then the server dies and you create a new one.

P.S. I love the game, but I'm starting to get a bit bored with the lack of activity on servers.
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Registriert: Do Feb 20, 2014 14:04

Re: The fortress: FAQ

Beitragvon drunk people » Mi Dez 03, 2014 22:28

I like it. Good addition.
drunk people
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Registriert: So Mai 25, 2014 14:13

Re: The fortress: FAQ

Beitragvon Centurion » Mi Dez 03, 2014 22:45

I have some suggestions to make:

1- Besides the fortress, i would create the concept of Cidadel too. Cidadel will be the ultimate kind of castle!
Formed by 10 castles up to 10 fields from the keep(center). The numbers can doubled as of the Fortress!

2- Merging worlds of the same country. Since the map have hexagonal form, you can combine the worlds just by link them by the fringe of the map. Every year you will add one world at time. e.g. Word BR1 + World Br2 on this year and then just add World BR3 in 2015 and so on up to the limit of 06 sides. These could prevent, from my point of view, demotivation from all players when you create a new server. They will continue to play hard because they will know that in one year ahead the new world will be merged with the oldest world and so on.

3- By expanding the map you can also create new events such as campaigns of conquest or even defense of the aliance or the server as well against any threat. Imagine if we have campaigns such as Vinking Invasion, cruzades or others campaings that keep all friends playing together to reach the missons in order to receive some benefits such as new or special units or even features for our castles. For cruzade events, we can assemble an army just for fight as cruzaders in other world created just with this purpose. In the other hand, you could also created an opposite army to fight against us! Diferent types of castle and so on. If we win this campaign, we will be rewarded with special troops for our castles. If we lose. We lost silver, troops or even castles in our world just to pay the debts of the cruzade.

4- will be great if we can see types of rankings among the servers. Who is the largest landlord of the game? Let everybody knows who is who In the countries and in the game too.
Beiträge: 1
Registriert: Mi Dez 03, 2014 21:40

Re: The fortress: FAQ

Beitragvon sentry » Mi Dez 03, 2014 22:48

So all troops originating from any of the five castles used to make the fortress are lost?

What about any copper in these castles?
Beiträge: 24
Registriert: Fr Mai 30, 2014 7:07

Re: The fortress: FAQ

Beitragvon sentry » Mi Dez 03, 2014 22:52

Centurions idea of linking the maps is a good one.
Except id say link every server with atleast one other immediately, then every now and then link another to make it three, etc. Plus then sponsor events, say whatever alliance pushes in a said direction the most fields after a month wins +25% resources or +5% marching speed for a month. Just for one example.

Another event could be whichever alliance kills the most defensive troops in a month, the top 10 contributors gain a 5% attack raiting.

Even adding event/contests could be cool.
Zuletzt geändert von sentry am Mi Dez 03, 2014 23:03 , insgesamt 4-mal geändert.
Beiträge: 24
Registriert: Fr Mai 30, 2014 7:07

Re: The fortress: FAQ

Beitragvon sentry » Mi Dez 03, 2014 22:53

We should be able to use any five castles next to each other, if there has to be a "center" that's kind of dumb
Beiträge: 24
Registriert: Fr Mai 30, 2014 7:07

Re: The fortress: FAQ

Beitragvon Strutter » Do Dez 04, 2014 0:05

What timeframe will be required to build the fortress? The same as a FC?
Beiträge: 264
Registriert: Di Apr 01, 2014 21:49

Re: The fortress: FAQ

Beitragvon Strutter » Do Dez 04, 2014 0:14

1) what timeframe will be required to build a fortress? Same as FC?

2) when combining the 5 castles, is the research transferred to the center or does all research need to completed again?
Beiträge: 264
Registriert: Di Apr 01, 2014 21:49

Re: The fortress: FAQ

Beitragvon TheAlmightyTallest » Do Dez 04, 2014 1:16

Bilbo- it's an investment that pays off in spades. Tail vet becomes cheaper, troops become stronger and more consolidated, and you can eventually hold a consolidated 200k silver, instead of the 100k in 5 different places.
Noddy and ceta- there is no "proper" way to play. Belittling others does not make you better, and being negative is easy. How about standing out from the crowd and trying to be positive as they try to make the game more than a new server land grab?
Danny- No. Also, as far as I'm concerned, running multiple accounts is just the worst kind of munchkin power gaming available here, and cheapens the experience for everyone.
Subseven- lo siento mi amigo. Soy gringo, mi espanio es moy moy picito.
I'm sure I butchered that....
Beiträge: 2
Registriert: Mi Dez 03, 2014 16:28

Re: The fortress: FAQ

Beitragvon osamajgv » Do Dez 04, 2014 2:10

I think 100k is to much or it will be returned to the fortress when it will be finished
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Registriert: Do Dez 04, 2014 2:08


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