New feature: the fortress

Re: New feature: the fortress

Beitragvon CR » So Okt 26, 2014 14:56

The developers can keep the game exactly the same in order to please the the old school players and continue to make the same amount of money off of them and hope they stay forever.

Or they can evolve the game and bring in new and more players and increase their revenue stream while striking a balance in order not to piss off the old school players.

I think they are choosing the later of the two.

So if YOU want to continue playing the game as is, you might want to switch to one of those l&k knock off games that don't get updated. Because change is coming my friend.

Beiträge: 22
Registriert: Mo Aug 04, 2014 0:58

Re: New feature: the fortress

Beitragvon dany » Mo Okt 27, 2014 6:19

What I heard of my server is another view on this. Many people play this game because it is like it is and if you really want to get rid of the old players then go ahead... People spend over 3 years on this game which is perfectly fine and no stupid updates and now some newbies think they rule the l&k world? Hahaha I don't think so. The hard core gamers spend most money. I know many people who play with big amounts of gold in the old server. If they wanted to change the game balance they could have done it 1-2 years ago but they didn't...
⚔ Ⓓⓐⓝⓨ ⚔

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Registriert: Do Feb 27, 2014 2:19

Re: New feature: the fortress

Beitragvon CR » Mo Okt 27, 2014 13:48

Ask them then.
Beiträge: 22
Registriert: Mo Aug 04, 2014 0:58

Re: New feature: the fortress

Beitragvon CR » Mo Okt 27, 2014 13:54

They are changing things now. It's changing.

The newbies don't run anything.
The old school players don't run anything

The developers run everything.

And they are changing things if you like it or not lol
Beiträge: 22
Registriert: Mo Aug 04, 2014 0:58

Re: New feature: the fortress

Beitragvon dany » Mo Okt 27, 2014 16:29

I See that there is no reason to Talk with you any further..
⚔ Ⓓⓐⓝⓨ ⚔

Beiträge: 588
Registriert: Do Feb 27, 2014 2:19

Re: New feature: the fortress

Beitragvon skeletor » Di Okt 28, 2014 20:15

U Lose its changing get over it lol
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Registriert: Fr Mai 16, 2014 20:01
Wohnort: canada

Re: New feature: the fortress

Beitragvon dany » Di Okt 28, 2014 20:38

So? For the Moment there will only be the fortress.
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Beiträge: 588
Registriert: Do Feb 27, 2014 2:19

Re: New feature: the fortress

Beitragvon Aracoth USA1 » Do Okt 30, 2014 2:18

I like the idea of new troops. But that would effect a lot about this game. Which isn't bad, but would take a lot of good planning by the devs. Would there be new tavern missions? What would the speed of each unit be? How many men would need to be used to make a new catapult? What resources would be required and how much of each type? What would their weaknesses be? Or strengths?

Some people have suggested having a dragon...
Aracoth USA1
Beiträge: 7
Registriert: Mi Feb 26, 2014 17:19

Re: New feature: the fortress

Beitragvon yakyuc » Mi Nov 05, 2014 20:08

Some of you fools just blather on blahhh shut up. If you rage quit here you're still a rage quitter.
Anything the developers could do to add to this they should. Not matter what babies add turds to their diapers.
Beiträge: 2
Registriert: Mi Nov 05, 2014 19:56

Re: New feature: the fortress

Beitragvon DragonAus3 » So Nov 09, 2014 6:55

When we get a fortress all the other free castkes used to create this fortress should go off the map. This will make it easier for bigger players. After all in the oldest servers no new players are joining so this will be easy.
Beiträge: 29
Registriert: Do Mai 22, 2014 16:40


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