Need an active alliance? 🐲Mandalorians🐲 recruiting

Need an active alliance? 🐲Mandalorians🐲 recruiting

Message par DarthRevan » Dim Jan 08, 2017 23:57

I know that there are LOTS of people saying to join their alliance. But those message is different. Way different. Do you know why? Because... because... you just spent longer reading this then any other message, feeling intrigued? Have you though about disbanding the alliance you made that never had more that one person? Think about it... joining an alliance that will help you? Doesn't it seem amazing? Hmm... but, how can we do this without you. JOIN 🐲Mandalorians🐲 TODAY!!!
Message(s) : 10
Inscription : Dim Jan 08, 2017 23:51

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