
General Lords & Knights topics

Re: Accounts

Message par cela » Lun Avr 14, 2014 20:00

Dear support.
Are you going to stop them multiplay account.
The russian are everywhere.
This game is awfull if you have to play with them next to you.
Message(s) : 19
Inscription : Sam Fév 22, 2014 23:00

Re: Accounts

Message par The turd » Mar Avr 15, 2014 12:15

Restate this. How to alts mess the game up?
The turd
Message(s) : 227
Inscription : Ven Avr 04, 2014 20:53

Re: Accounts

Message par sasawsome » Mer Avr 16, 2014 21:13

Bit mean towarsds russians
Message(s) : 41
Inscription : Ven Mars 21, 2014 7:26

Re: Accounts

Message par Strutter » Lun Avr 21, 2014 2:20

1. Is L&K devel going to chase down alts. Probably not. I would hazard a guess those with alts spend more on gold.

2. Can L&K quickly check for alts? Of course. I would guess IP addresses would be the easiest way.

3. Alt accs for spying or sending harassing multi 101's suck!

4. Does anyone have the RL time to do alts?
Message(s) : 264
Inscription : Mar Avr 01, 2014 21:49

Re: Accounts

Message par The turd » Mar Avr 22, 2014 15:41

I have time for an alt but I all use it.for is to take castles my main will take later.
The turd
Message(s) : 227
Inscription : Ven Avr 04, 2014 20:53

Re: Accounts

Message par Behi » Mar Avr 22, 2014 23:45

Ok! It is forbidden to have double accounts, but what should we do when in front of us we have the player who has double and some triple accounts and says loudly that they have?
On fr7 we are in war with an alliance who almost all of them has 2 accounts, attacking with the account fully offensive and defending with the other accounts on fully defensive mode, and they shout it loudly in the personal messages!
Little by little we are loosing the will to play any more:(
Message(s) : 1
Inscription : Mar Avr 22, 2014 23:27

Re: Accounts

Message par The turd » Mer Avr 23, 2014 11:44

It's not forbidden. There are no rule books.for this game.
The turd
Message(s) : 227
Inscription : Ven Avr 04, 2014 20:53

Re: Accounts

Message par dash64 » Mer Avr 23, 2014 12:51

Hey, if you really feel like someone is using multiple accounts, i would say you contact the support team, providing specific information and evidence on the according accounts,

of course we do not tolerate such way of behavior!
For problems or questions please contact our support team via webform.

Please don't use emojiis or other special characters when you submit a ticket.
Message(s) : 156
Inscription : Ven Fév 14, 2014 14:27

Re: Accounts

Message par Lamoraldus » Jeu Avr 24, 2014 14:49

The turd a écrit :It's not forbidden. There are no rule books.for this game

It is forbidden. Read the rules here:

7. The games of XYRALITY GmbH contain elements of interactive actions of players with each other. In order to ensure a fair competition among the players, the following actions are prohibited:
  • Use of multi-accounts:
    A game may consist of several game worlds separated from each other. The users may not create more than one Account in one game world.
  • Use of tools, scripts, bots or other computer programs:
    Users are not allowed to use tools, scripts, bots or other computer programs which are suitable for the automatic execution of actions in a game. XYRALITY GmbH games must only be used by the respective players themselves.
  • Use of errors for one’s own advantage:
    It is not allowed to use bugs and/or programming errors for one’s own purposes.
Message(s) : 25
Inscription : Mer Fév 12, 2014 16:11

Re: Accounts

Message par The turd » Dim Avr 27, 2014 1:23

Okay now seeing that I will discontinue use of my alt but I say adopt shit anybody down. There are so many alts out there. Over 50% of active players probably have an alt.
The turd
Message(s) : 227
Inscription : Ven Avr 04, 2014 20:53


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