Metro Issues…. And…

Metro Issues…. And…

Beitragvon Bilbo-LKotA » So Jul 09, 2023 13:54

2 ongoing Metro issues ihVe reported but nothing done so far.
These issues happen on IPad, not sure if it happens on pc etc.
When you are in a Metro and go to map view (icon top fight on screen), the game crashes.
The castle count is completely wrong the second you own a Metro. It reports a small number of castles once a Metropolis is created.

Third problem, the daily report, still not working daily. This issue has been going on since February and is not very good ypu allow issues not to get fixed.

So 3 issues that I know of and reported.

Please can you look into these and get them fixed.
Beiträge: 52
Registriert: Mi Mär 19, 2014 23:08

Re: Metro Issues…. And…

Beitragvon Bilbo-LKotA » Fr Jul 14, 2023 7:03

Daily report worked for 1 day, and now broken again
Beiträge: 52
Registriert: Mi Mär 19, 2014 23:08

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