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Battle Americas is dying!

Di Jun 16, 2015 10:21

The L&K designers have succeeded in driving nearly everyone away from the BA server. Their constant "improvements" for defensive minded players has made it nearly impossible to capture anything but castles from inactive players, which there are plenty of. There was already a huge advantage to the defense, and they've made it even worse. We have very few players remaining. Moving onto more a more active game.

Re: Battle Americas is dying!

Di Mai 31, 2016 20:21

I keep it original and stick to Battle World1.

Re: Battle Americas is dying!

So Nov 25, 2018 21:22

Ok first we need to make alliances from everyone that is still left and active and take the server peice by piece let's face it yes there are plenty of inactive plebs who retreat but I am not one of those
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