Relocating castles gone wrong

Relocating castles gone wrong

Message par PaulM » Sam Sep 24, 2016 22:02

So I'm on uk8, I've just tried relocating my first castle to join my second castle, instead of moving my first castle next door to my second it relocated my 2nd castle to free castle next door, I no longer have option to relocate. I know it only works once but how did it move my second, thought it was only your startup castle that could move. Anyone else had this problem
Message(s) : 1
Inscription : Dim Jan 10, 2016 16:34

Re: Relocating castles gone wrong

Message par simooo » Sam Oct 29, 2016 14:33

You can relocate any castle you have but can only relocate once, it sounds like you had your second castle selected by accident and not your first 🖒
Message(s) : 1
Inscription : Sam Oct 29, 2016 11:33

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