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Uk4 bad moon rising

Sab Jun 04, 2016 4:00

Bad moon rising are currently ranked number 2 on the uk4 server. They follow rising force like loved up puppies and steal credit for their victorys in war.
They have declared war on wfi but only after wait for it's 4 top players quit the game.
Wfi only have 5 players fighting back.
BMR are relying heavily on support from rf while claiming that wfi are nothing but farmers. For such a big and "powerful" alliance why do they desperately need help from the number 1 alliance to crush 5 small point farmers?

Re: Uk4 bad moon rising

Mar Jun 14, 2016 17:17

I see Moxy refused a one to one battle with a player less than half his size 😂😂😂😂

Re: Uk4 bad moon rising

Mié Jun 29, 2016 15:15

Yea that was me, he was 5x bigger than me but wouldn't fight me 1 on 1.
It took 9 of them to beat me.

Re: Uk4 bad moon rising

Vie Sep 09, 2016 22:18

Waylander your a joke even your own alliance though so that's why they got rid of you. I did not refuse to fight you one on one but I did not attack you as you had nothing I wanted ie forts above 1600 points.
Learn to trickle and learn that defence troops so ah and CB are not good at attacking😂
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