Anyone from 2013?

Anyone from 2013?

Message par dtanator » Mer Mars 27, 2024 14:44

Getting back into the game, I founded Phoenix Knights (I think was the name) when America server 3 came out, we were one of the largest guilds around. Was curious if anyone remembers/is still around. Anyways, back to the grind.
Message(s) : 1
Inscription : Mer Mars 27, 2024 14:41

Re: Anyone from 2013?

Message par VegetaTheGod » Mar Avr 23, 2024 7:47

I helped co found the Phoenix knights on USA 3 and I just started playing on 21. I unfortunately have come back to see the game seems kind of dead
Message(s) : 1
Inscription : Lun Nov 18, 2019 0:00

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