Retired from usa7 , looking for new

Retired from usa7 , looking for new

Message par 0u812 » Mar Jan 05, 2016 22:04

I recently left usa7, got kind of boring. Former top 70 ranked. The bigger I got the more time I had to be on the game. Love to play but hated being on it 5 hours a days. After last massive attack on me and spending 81/2 hours setting up bridges when I had work to do. And was extremely busy at the end of the year. I decided I just didn't have the time keep playing there. I had a great alliance. With there help I never lost a castle or fortress.

So I'm looking to start over. Usa7 is basically just a handful of big alliances now. What are the new USA worlds like. What levels are they at. Would like a new world that is growing. I was a very good recruiter. I have only been on 7 so I don't know what the others are like, any info thanks.
Message(s) : 13
Inscription : Mar Jan 05, 2016 21:36

Re: Retired from usa7 , looking for new

Message par Saka » Sam Jan 09, 2016 1:51

The game is dead. All usa servers are basically dead, even the newest usa 10 have handful of players and no new blood and is losing more and more every day.
This game is more about constant recycle than actual war.
Message(s) : 101
Inscription : Lun Mai 19, 2014 0:29

Re: Retired from usa7 , looking for new

Message par PUPPY LOVE1001 » Jeu Mars 17, 2016 21:02

On the USA 11, there is an alliance called ❇️the nature guardians❇️
We are friendly, loyal, and happy. We love people. We don't discriminate against anybody. Everybody is welcome to come. We love peace, and friendship. That is what our alliance is based on. Also, active players are welcome.
Message(s) : 17
Inscription : Ven Déc 25, 2015 21:52

Re: Retired from usa7 , looking for new

Message par Joshua » Mer Avr 20, 2016 1:36

If you want to join a real alliance on USA 6 you gotta join hunters of war or leagues of ares
Message(s) : 25
Inscription : Ven Mai 16, 2014 21:42

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