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Re: New feature: the fortress

Message Publié : Mar Sep 30, 2014 3:08
par Xeno
No. No free castles.

Without that, this is interesting. With that, it will turn the map grey, it will absolutely drive down activity and kill servers

Re: New feature: the fortress

Message Publié : Mar Sep 30, 2014 4:05
par Bungle
What will it take to capture it? What are the maximums and minimums of troops resources silver etc. what is the troop change to battle rounds? Not enough details for us to make any real decisions and more than likely needs to be a new server push...

Re: New feature: the fortress

Message Publié : Mar Sep 30, 2014 4:12
par Ollie
I think the new feature is good for the mature servers. It will bring a new life to them. I reckon it would be a good idea to have it so any castles that weren't owned by the fortress owner and were within the perimeter of the fortress area would be expelled and return to free castle status. Would add a new strategy to the game.

Re: New feature: the fortress

Message Publié : Mar Sep 30, 2014 5:29
par shanky
For getting the 5 castles a lot silver is already spent. Now you want to spend more silver to lose 4 castles and make them free castles ? Now these 4 castles can be captured by anyone and will create vacuum in the SH and the SH is vulnerable. I guess the fortress idea is fine but losing 4 castles while spending silver is a bad idea. Not only this, you still want to spend silver to make this castle transformed into a full fledged fortress. I will be busy making fortresses so when will I attack enemies ? Spending whole silver on my castles is not a good idea. Reduce the amount of silver. Make it one time investment. And may be you reset the 4 castles instead of losing those 4 castles. What I mean is instead to making 4 free castles, reset these castles to 13 point castle but I still own these 4 castles.

Rest I like the idea of fortress. Please tell if this fortress can be spied ? Is it something like I synchronise spies on fortress ?

Re: New feature: the fortress

Message Publié : Mar Sep 30, 2014 6:09
par The Mr. Awesome
As interesting as this new feature sounds, i dislike the idea of a fortress concept on established servers. If it is permitted it might drive me to leave the game since the landscape of the game will be dramatically changed. I believe the features that have been added over the 2 years i have been playing truly have improved game play, this would change it.

Please consider only for newer servers!

~ A.

Re: New feature: the fortress

Message Publié : Mar Sep 30, 2014 8:47
par sNaSpS
I like the fortress idea. But having it create a vacume of ; empty free castles around kind of destroys all the purpose of it. Even if it is stronger, it will reduce one's cluster and make it more penetrable. And we all know that strenght in this game is about having large tightly knit clusters. Its all about location. I d prefer not to do it. Have it instead join the castles between them. So they make a mega cluster. And maybe limit the number of fortresses one can build (make it kind of a capital of a cluster)

Re: New feature: the fortress

Message Publié : Mar Sep 30, 2014 8:59
par DanDan
Please apply to existing servers ASAP, except for free castle part.

As for purpose of easy management for big players, can make binding castles satellite of fortress, ie only showing on map but can't do anything or even being attacked, if fortress lost all satellite back to free castles.

Re: New feature: the fortress

Message Publié : Mar Sep 30, 2014 13:08
par Jeeni
Wow, this new feature will be awesome.
Please reduce the construction time and production as well. this will bring more attraction to this game

Re: New feature: the fortress

Message Publié : Mar Sep 30, 2014 13:19
par Thorton
I think it sounds like a cool way to keep interest and challenges. You would definitely want to be ready with silver to retake the new free castles. Being allowed to attack your own castle so you could retake it as soon as it changes would be nice

Re: New feature: the fortress

Message Publié : Mar Sep 30, 2014 13:53
par Si of Troy
a lot of us dont fully upgrade our castles so they can hold more troops and Im not sure we would bother given the extra cost and time involved