Metro troop build…

Metro troop build…

Beitragvon Bilbo-LKotA » Mi Sep 13, 2023 16:47

Some quick maths and my thoughts on why the Metro troop build times need to be rebalanced.. (please consider).
All be,ow presumes fully developed.

A castle takes 7mins 30 for an archer.
5 castles makes 1 Fort.
A fort makes an archer in 1M in 30 seconds.
I,e, the same time as 5 castles which seems sensible,
5 Forts make a City.
You can build aN archer in a Cityin 18 seconds.
I.e. the same as 5 Forts.

So if that logic continues through to a Metro, an archer should be built in about 3.6 seconds…

Can his logic that you have used to determine troop build be considered for Metros please?

Thank you for your time.
Beiträge: 53
Registriert: Mi Mär 19, 2014 23:08

Re: Metro troop build…

Beitragvon Bilbo-LKotA » Sa Dez 09, 2023 13:03

The troop build time for a Fully developed Metro is close to 800 days. That’s does look unbalanced. An this be reviewed pleas?
Beiträge: 53
Registriert: Mi Mär 19, 2014 23:08

Re: Metro troop build…

Beitragvon Bilbo-LKotA » Sa Dez 30, 2023 23:02

Hi developers. Is there any feedback on this request please?
Beiträge: 53
Registriert: Mi Mär 19, 2014 23:08

Re: Metro troop build…

Beitragvon Saltwater » Sa Feb 03, 2024 16:20

Not making any more metros. Recruiting is broken.
Beiträge: 9
Registriert: Mi Mär 03, 2021 4:57

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