What is fight the vacancy?

General Lords & Knights topics

What is fight the vacancy?

Message par Sonys » Dim Nov 13, 2016 16:23

I would like to know. Thanks
Message(s) : 1
Inscription : Dim Nov 13, 2016 16:19

Re: What is fight the vacancy?

Message par Agravaine » Dim Nov 13, 2016 18:32

it's so you can throw gold away faster by buying free castles and fortresses, which is never worth it if you are above 10k points and only worth it if you got too much money and are very small. also not worth it once your silver production is high enough to cap once per day.

p.s. the event lowers the gold cost buying castles.
Message(s) : 29
Inscription : Jeu Juil 23, 2015 16:09

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