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Trickling is stupid

Mon Nov 02, 2015 2:02 am

Really..so a castle surrounded by an army of 20,000 men and yet 51 ppl can sneek in every 10 mins for 50 hours.... Thats a line of ppl like 10 miles long ...lame ...any support to a castle should stop when the first battle round begins ...also if we can see incoming attacks we should be able to attack that force in the field before it gets to the castle

Re: Trickling is stupid

Wed Nov 04, 2015 2:16 am

Trickling sucks and most players will agree with that but those who spend money on the game have too much to loose so live with that.

Trickling should be limited, maybe no defense bonus after the first round?
Devs should work on multiplying defense bonus but limiting trickle strength so stacking would be better option to defend. 1000 defenders behind the wall should easily kill let's say 5000 attackers.

Re: Trickling is stupid

Fri Nov 06, 2015 8:06 am

It's stupid and boring.

This will be the reason that finally pushes me away from the game.

Re: Trickling is stupid

Fri Nov 06, 2015 3:04 pm

Trickling is not fun but where is the strategy otherwise? War is not supposed to be fun.

At that point we might as all play Slotomania.

Re: Trickling is stupid

Fri Nov 06, 2015 3:12 pm

Trickling is the only reason I still play. If it wasn't for that we would al have to join the largest alliance to have any chance for survival. I am guessing the person who started this thread is just sore because their dogpiling tactics didn't work. Long live the underdog. :P

Re: Trickling is stupid

Sat Nov 07, 2015 6:43 pm

Easy solution to fix the game.

Add new units that could destroy the castle. For example 1 point each winning round. This would take care of Trickling since castle would be worthless after few hours.

Re: Trickling is stupid

Sat Nov 07, 2015 10:48 pm

It ads strategy you can break tricking if you know a little skill. Got to trickle offense is a way

Re: Trickling is stupid

Thu Nov 19, 2015 5:09 pm

Theres ways to break the trickle, but it's annoying as fk. But then again stacking is impossible if you got 40 castles under attack.

Re: Trickling is stupid

Mon Dec 14, 2015 4:04 pm

Practice and learn it, it's fun and satisfying. It's the only part of the game that requires skill

In antiquity, there are many examples of small forces repelling much larger armies..usually from within a fortification or via a geographic advantage. Trickling simulates this

Re: Trickling is stupid

Wed Jan 06, 2016 12:17 am

Not only it's not stupid strategy but also it's GREAT PRACTICAL APPROACH TO PUSH your enemy bowing on their knees lol 😜😜😜😜😜
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