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Re: The fortress: FAQ

Dim Déc 14, 2014 16:38

I love everything beside the fact of that you only have a 3 field limit... I'd love for it to 5 - 10 fields. There isn't many clusters of castles where I am at so its very hard for me to develop the fortess. Please make this change! :)

Re: The fortress: FAQ

Dim Déc 14, 2014 20:39

The information on this says the castles need to be within 3 fields and when I tried to build a fortress the castles need to be within 2 fields. I would have chosen a different area to build just wasted a lot of silver.

Re: The fortress: FAQ

Dim Déc 14, 2014 23:03

For the developers:

When can we expect the browser version to be able to function if you have a fortress?

I think it would be usefull of the fortress cannot be "managed" but would be considered a fixed 288/298 castle without the ability to manage the upgrades of this castle. Counting and moving troops is what I use the browser version for. Also the upgrades/troops on the normal (<288/298) castles is so much easier than on the ipad/iphone apps version.

Planning attacks takes hours extra if we cannot use the browser version. Please fix it or at least make partly workable for us. We are the clients spending our money on your gold in order to play.

Minor detail: I can only but gold through the browser version ;) This might be an incentive.

Re: The fortress: FAQ

Lun Déc 15, 2014 0:11

This is the answer I got from Xyrality when asking the same question:

unfortunately the actual web version does not support the fortress features yet, as the windows 8.1 version is based on that it also does not support them, problems were encountered.

We have put extra resources onto working on a new web client, an estimated date is January.

Are you able to use a mobile device for now?

We apologize for the inconveniences and wish you a nice weekend.

Re: The fortress: FAQ

Lun Déc 15, 2014 7:52


Thanx for this info. I hope they release a temp version without the fortresss special functionality for the mean time.

Re: The fortress: FAQ

Lun Déc 15, 2014 9:47

I would not count on it - they still haven't fixed the timeoffset bug in the webclient yet even if I provided them with a lot of input and correct formulas. I actually think I am about to quit this game.

Re: The fortress: FAQ

Lun Déc 15, 2014 11:50

I have 5 castles within 3 fields all have researched fortress all have full resourses copper and silver but my keep still has no options bar the banners option. Why is this?

Re: The fortress: FAQ

Lun Déc 15, 2014 17:57

I'd like justification from the L&K team as to why the 4 link up castles in the building of the fortress lose their 20k silver. The amount of silver spent (120k) to build a fortress is ridiculous!

Re: The fortress: FAQ

Lun Déc 15, 2014 18:09

Is it 101 or 501 troops needed to get a battle report against a Fortress?

Re: The fortress: FAQ

Lun Déc 15, 2014 21:04

Strutter a écrit :Is it 101 or 501 troops needed to get a battle report against a Fortress?


Cannycelt a écrit :I have 5 castles within 3 fields all have researched fortress all have full resourses copper and silver but my keep still has no options bar the banners option. Why is this?

I think it's rather cheap for what you are getting when it's complete. It's prime purpose was to easen the burden of management for larger players (imm 200-400 castles) and then 120k is next to nothing.

Cannycelt a écrit :I have 5 castles within 3 fields all have researched fortress all have full resourses copper and silver but my keep still has no options bar the banners option. Why is this?

Check the keep, there you will find the options needed.
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