USA 11 Alliance Helped

USA 11 Alliance Helped

Message par uchuuji » Jeu Mai 12, 2016 3:25

I am in need of an alliance. I've played this game about a year ago and quit due to work and other games that I play. But since I quit CoC, RC, and other games I like to play RTS MMO again.

I was in World 9 before and was very active.

I would like to join an alliance that can help me grow and learn this game again.

If possible transport to the areas~~
Message(s) : 1
Inscription : Jeu Mai 12, 2016 3:21

Re: USA 11 Alliance Helped

Message par Joshua » Jeu Juin 02, 2016 3:00

Are you on usa 6?
Message(s) : 25
Inscription : Ven Mai 16, 2014 21:42

Re: USA 11 Alliance Helped

Message par xknights » Lun Juin 20, 2016 8:02

Don't join sentinel steel
Joye reseted me and dark princessfor standing up for a7yearold kid informs he cursed him like a dog I even post it to customer support
That's said to do that to a kid Joye he quit 2other servers I was with him in because of this I wish an alliance would reset him To do that to a kid that's wrong that was a kid 7yearold kid he's a leader no wonder more players are leaving I wish an alliance show him a lesson in manners Joye u was wrong that was a kidthat his grandfather past awayu cursed him for it I posted everything to support that despicable Joye ofsinteniel.stell what a leader
Message(s) : 3
Inscription : Sam Juin 18, 2016 20:54

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