New ideas

New ideas

Message par syco merc » Dim Jan 10, 2016 9:08

Since the game seems to be losing alot of players and is becoming to easy I suggest one of two options

1. Create a retro server that would be set up the way the game was two or three years ago or even longer. No fortress, bridge, advent calender, goals, ect


2. Create a new battle server that pits countries against each other set up the way the game is played right now. For instance if you are from the USA that is the alliance you are automatically in. If you are from England you are in the English alliance. Same way if you are from China and so on and so forth
syco merc
Message(s) : 5
Inscription : Mar Nov 10, 2015 22:04

Re: New ideas

Message par mammoth » Ven Jan 22, 2016 10:30


Combine the old servers. Uk1 2 3 & 4 into one super server.

Just imagine the scale of the wars
Message(s) : 24
Inscription : Mer Mars 19, 2014 11:44

Re: New ideas

Message par REL » Mar Mars 22, 2016 15:21

I think it would be able to recruit catapults one catapult can be used to take down one level of your wall use 20 catapults and the castles wall is at level 1. easy to attack but the down side is when you take the castle you would have to rebuild the walls. Cool
Message(s) : 1
Inscription : Mar Mars 22, 2016 15:04

Re: New ideas

Message par Andy279 » Mar Mars 22, 2016 22:15

It's been said that people may be using bots on certain servers, is this possible?

If it is possible, can't we introduce random attacks by a computer on all worlds

Any castle these computer bots take instantly become free castles again but at the points level they were took at , who 288 or 289

It would help to reduce the inactives across servers and give the farmers a taste of war
Message(s) : 4
Inscription : Mar Avr 22, 2014 17:28

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