Complete control of troops

Complete control of troops

Message par Belac » Jeu Fév 20, 2014 2:42

I think it would be nice to move your troops to one of your own different castles and be able to send them to a different location from there
Message(s) : 2
Inscription : Mer Fév 12, 2014 1:43

Re: Complete control of troops

Message par Lord St. Vincent » Jeu Fév 20, 2014 20:17

That would make a huge difference in the strategy of the game and not sure for the better.
Lord St. Vincent
Message(s) : 1
Inscription : Jeu Fév 20, 2014 20:12

Re: Complete control of troops

Message par Sulahn » Jeu Fév 20, 2014 22:29

Yup. One could easily stack a castle with offense close to the target castle and then launch a blitzkrieg at it. All the attacker would have to do is find out when a player is sleeping and they wake up in the morning to find they we light a castle or two. Not a good condition.
Message(s) : 21
Inscription : Mer Fév 12, 2014 19:02

Re: Complete control of troops

Message par Chalky » Ven Fév 21, 2014 21:13

I like the idea of having complete control of troops. Limit the number you can have in one castle, So you have to move out defence to accomadation move offence. Make spying quicker, defence values of assault troops lower.
Anything to make the game more interesting. I think it's very limited at the moment in the strategies you can use. I like the concept of the game but it can be very slow and tedious at times.
Message(s) : 3
Inscription : Jeu Fév 13, 2014 7:14

Re: Complete control of troops

Message par Sulahn » Ven Fév 21, 2014 23:01

I hear flappy bird is hot right now.

If it's action, you're seeking, this may not be the game for you. For the rest of us, this game is very rewarding as-is.

Honestly, I would like to be able to "adopt" troops from one castle to another, but that would allow you to save troops doomed to die in a castle being capped, which is part of the game.
Message(s) : 21
Inscription : Mer Fév 12, 2014 19:02

Re: Complete control of troops

Message par Poppachubby » Jeu Fév 27, 2014 5:18

But it would be good to change there destination without returning first
Message(s) : 2
Inscription : Jeu Fév 27, 2014 5:15

Re: Complete control of troops

Message par Thorton » Mer Mars 19, 2014 12:49

Don't change that aspect, the game would completely change, and not for the better, one castle has a certain capacity, short of defence outside, fair enough. You want to mass from a certain spot, take more castles there
Message(s) : 16
Inscription : Mer Mars 19, 2014 12:40

Re: Complete control of troops

Message par sunshine » Mer Mars 19, 2014 15:22

I actually wrote to the Dev's about this; I suggested being able use spies as diplomats or missionaries that can order units stationed at 1 castle to go somewhere else. It'll be on a time delay but less time than it would take to return units home and then send back out again.
This would be utilized more for defensive troops though, when you are supporting a castle that no longer needs support and you traveled 24+ hrs to get there.
Message(s) : 2
Inscription : Mar Mars 18, 2014 15:44

Re: Complete control of troops

Message par Cap'n Bootstrap » Mer Mars 19, 2014 15:39

This concept isnt for the worse, the game evony that was out pre-smartphone exist and its still one of the best web based games of this genre. I am a real rts gamer, oldschool in the new age fashion, this game does lack as far as the rts genre goes but it is very well put together. On the other hand if it was tested on the next schedule server as a beta test it might prove the legitimacy of the application to those that question it in the game.
Cap'n Bootstrap
Message(s) : 2
Inscription : Mer Mars 19, 2014 14:33

Re: Complete control of troops

Message par dash64 » Mer Mars 19, 2014 16:20

Hi guys,

we will make a note of this suggestion, however as stated, such changes will in general have a major impact on the balance, it is not very likely that these changes will ever be made to troop movement.
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Message(s) : 156
Inscription : Ven Fév 14, 2014 14:27


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