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Re: UK1 chat

Vie Abr 04, 2014 22:53

Legion Of Chaos

You can find us in the most southern region of the map, I myself made the switch from the north.

We are largely ignoring server rules from now on until they suit, we see it constantly on servers where small alliances are strangled by the larger alliances.

The rules are ignored and also have no benefit for the smaller alliance, if your tired of the constant boredom of a wing full of rules or the constraints of a large alliance seek us in the south.

We have a stronghold forming slowly, only loyal players willing to join us there need apply.

I formed the alliance Uprising on Uk1 which still stands today under a merged agreement and had a large influence for a time. I am back with a new alliance so all of the old guard who read this are welcome.

Uk4 Legion of Chaos

Re: UK1 West

Sab Abr 05, 2014 20:00

Hi all

Re: UK1 chat

Sab Abr 05, 2014 20:01

Hi all

Re: UK1 chat

Mar Abr 15, 2014 7:59

Does anybody else game doesn't send reports when being under attack?

Re: UK1 chat

Mié Abr 16, 2014 15:47

Go into report page hit setting in top right the select all

Re: UK1 chat

Mié Abr 23, 2014 20:35

Hi all! Server 1 busy? Am Adibutti on there!!

Re: UK1 chat

Mar Jul 15, 2014 1:18

Does anyone use these chats?

world 4

Sab Jul 26, 2014 19:21

Im nightshadow and nightwind, two caounts in world 4, send me a mail if you want to know more,im not in an aliance yet but i got 3 castells with one account and my second is crowing smoothly..


Lun Sep 15, 2014 20:48


Re: UK1 chat

Mar Sep 16, 2014 18:43

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