Battle world 4 Usa Team 👊

Battle world 4 Usa Team 👊

Message par ऽparϮacus » Sam Jan 21, 2017 21:06

Hey this might be spam but im inviting all good players from this server to battle world 4. America has yet won a battle server and this will be the one. making a battle world team and im inviting you to join if u are able please say yes if not just say no this should be fun if you do say yes please make a kako account and leave your id from kak in this message and ill add u to the chat hope to see you there 👊👮

-if u dont know me ive played on these servers im rank 7 on server 9 (righteous few chosen family)

Also insanity in SV
Message(s) : 7
Inscription : Mar Mars 18, 2014 5:45

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