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Sa Mär 12, 2016 3:35

We are a growing alliance in the new server with several big players. Looking for active members that want to grow with us. Ranked 18th on the points list as an alliance and top player with 500+ points. If interested put your name for an invite, thanks.

Re: USA11

Sa Mär 12, 2016 19:18

What's ur name for me to join?

Re: USA11

So Mär 13, 2016 15:02

❇♦🚩The Dark Side🚩♦❇

Ranked 15th currently

Re: USA11

Di Mai 31, 2016 20:18

You realized you put a USA11 post in the Battle Server forum right?

Re: USA11

Sa Jan 21, 2017 21:08

Hey this might be spam but im inviting all good players from this server to battle world 4. America has yet won a battle server and this will be the one. making a battle world team and im inviting you to join if u are able please say yes if not just say no this should be fun if you do say yes please make a kako account and leave your id from kak in this message and ill add u to the chat hope to see you there 👊👮

-if u dont know me ive played on these servers im rank 7 on server 9 (righteous few chosen family)

Also insanity in SV
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