Silver incorrect when attacking castles

Silver incorrect when attacking castles

Postby Ani » Mon Jan 25, 2016 12:55 am

I think this is a flaw in the program that needs to be fixed to make it fairer. For example, I lost 6000 due to the program telling me the wrong information on how much silver I needed. It was caused by:

1. I attacked Castle A and sent troops there, cost says 6000 silver.

2. Before I had won Castle A, I attacked Castle B and sent troops there, cost says 6000 silver.

3. I then (before I had won Castle A or B), annexed Castle C with gold.

4. I then won Castle A. Cost was 6000 as told.

5. I then defeated Castle B but couldn't win it as it wasn't enough silver. I had 6000 and needed 8000.

The thing that annoys me about that is that I based how much silver I needed on what the program said and consequently lost my silver and troops for no reason due to the program telling the wrong amount for Castle B. I was under the assumption that the program would be right. 6000 silver is a lot of silver to produce and takes a lot of time and to lose it like that when I did as much as the program asked for is very annoying.
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Re: Silver incorrect when attacking castles

Postby Saka » Mon Jan 25, 2016 2:43 am

Each castle cost 1k more silver so if you attack 2 at the same time first one will be capped at 6k and second at 7k. Trick is to figure which one will be the first one. I usually send the same amount for both so if enemy trickles I still have enough silver to cap both no matter which one falls first.

I am suprised you won castle a since you annexed a castle but then I never spend any money on the game so don't know how annexing works.
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