Rebel Faction

Rebel Faction

Message par ᷈ɑͥʀͣʗͫ ɑɴͭɡͪɛͤɭ ᷉ » Jeu Avr 21, 2016 23:02

Create a faction that is not controlled by any players and cannot be joined by any players I.e. The Rebel Faction

Much like the free castles of the servers are owned by "Free Knights" which are allowed to develop autonomously up to 40 points, there should also be random spawning castles around the map edges and in clusters of unconquered frees and 13point inactives that are controlled by the Rebel Faction.

The idea being that these computer controlled (or even admin controlled) rebel players and their castles will randomly attack and attempt to raid players and even attempt to capture player controlled castles. Especially where many rebel castles are present in a particular area. I.e. The more rebels nearby the more frequently and intensely they attempt to raid and/or capture player castles.

If they are programmed to develop themselves into clusters (by autonomously conquering player castles, frees and inactives that they target themselves etc) as well as develop their castles and build random troops 3 things would be accomplished:
1) inactives and frees will be reduced due to these castles not defending themselves against the rebels when attacked. Fewer inactives and more possibility of being attacked in that area. Also Rebels develop their castles meaning more lucrative capturing opportunities for players instead of capping low point frees and inactives.

2) battle frequency would be increased and alliances may find that they are unlucky enough to come under rebel attacks while they are also at war with another alliance hence a war on 2 fronts for the unlucky players that the rebels take a pop at in this case.

3) the necessity to properly defend and develop your own castles is increased. Newly capped castles cannot therefore just be upgraded solely for their points without a sufficient garrison from a developed castle to protect it from raids.

This dynamic would also open up the game for further development in terms of -for example- having resource transports or silver trades coming under threat of being intercepted/ambushed by rebels thus requiring that transports of this type (I.e. Non attack/defence transits) must be accompanied by an armed escort of sufficient size to repel any would be rebel assailants.

I believe this to be an implementable dynamic to the game that would add another dimension to the playing field in addition to the features already added to help players successfully manage, defend and develop their castles.

The Rebel Faction would help to clean up inactive servers and if left unopposed by alliances, form a considerable enemy of all players on servers.
᷈ɑͥʀͣʗͫ ɑɴͭɡͪɛͤɭ ᷉
Message(s) : 24
Inscription : Jeu Mars 20, 2014 11:01

Re: Rebel Faction

Message par theom9738 » Ven Avr 22, 2016 13:51

Love this idea guy good job
Message(s) : 6
Inscription : Mer Avr 02, 2014 18:23

Re: Rebel Faction

Message par TangoSlapp » Sam Avr 23, 2016 8:55

Amazing idea
Message(s) : 1
Inscription : Sam Avr 23, 2016 8:54

Re: Rebel Faction

Message par GSP » Mar Mai 03, 2016 2:55

I second this motion. All in favor say aye.
Message(s) : 7
Inscription : Ven Jan 23, 2015 5:24

Re: Rebel Faction

Message par Inferno » Mer Mai 04, 2016 0:41

Aye 👍
Message(s) : 2
Inscription : Mer Mars 19, 2014 14:59

Re: Rebel Faction

Message par ᷈ɑͥʀͣʗͫ ɑɴͭɡͪɛͤɭ ᷉ » Mar Mai 10, 2016 9:58

Thanks for the support guys! 😊

Come on developers bring the Rebel Faction to Lords and Knights 🍻🍻🍻🍻
᷈ɑͥʀͣʗͫ ɑɴͭɡͪɛͤɭ ᷉
Message(s) : 24
Inscription : Jeu Mars 20, 2014 11:01

Re: Rebel Faction

Message par Parkside » Mer Mai 25, 2016 11:57

This idea is garbage and that's putting it politely.
Message(s) : 15
Inscription : Mer Juin 04, 2014 13:28

Re: Rebel Faction

Message par ᷈ɑͥʀͣʗͫ ɑɴͭɡͪɛͤɭ ᷉ » Ven Mai 27, 2016 8:48

Yeah but you're the guy who just shits on every idea going. 11 posts and they're all negative, not sure the opinion of a serial pessimist can be all that valuable really.
᷈ɑͥʀͣʗͫ ɑɴͭɡͪɛͤɭ ᷉
Message(s) : 24
Inscription : Jeu Mars 20, 2014 11:01

Re: Rebel Faction

Message par king_eloc » Ven Mai 27, 2016 14:18

That is actually a great idea
Message(s) : 8
Inscription : Lun Nov 09, 2015 22:58

Re: Rebel Faction

Message par Parkside » Mer Juin 01, 2016 18:21

Actually this is a stupid idea.
A computer rebel force attacking a fortress, 40 point castles with no attack bonus approx 40 mixed troops in each castle would require about 3000 rebel castles to capture it. I remember when pen n paper was required and alliances attacked players with several hundred attacks in transit, some players devices used to slow down or crash and this forced them into VM mode to stop more additional attacks.
Do you not think LnK's employees already have accounts playing this game creating wars.
Message(s) : 15
Inscription : Mer Juin 04, 2014 13:28


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