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Please move the Select All Missions button

Lun Feb 24, 2014 20:06

It is too close to the run missions button

Re: Please move the Select All Missions button

Lun Feb 24, 2014 20:10

(Carry Out Missions button) when running missions for multiple castles. I have hit this several times accidentally and have to wait for longer missions (which deplete troops ) to finish and then manually deselect the missions I never want to run. This sucks with over a hundred castles!!! At the very least maybe you could add a 'Are you sure?' Confirmation.

Re: Please move the Select All Missions button

Mié Feb 26, 2014 19:00

This asap!!

Re: Please move the Select All Missions button

Mié Mar 19, 2014 12:26

Yes, it sucks when you have 150+ castles. Maybe a way to lock out certain missions
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